A new section ( redirects ) was created in the hierarchy as below under 'courses/courses': the current course section was duplicated from course/course into this new section. Content needs adding to each of the sections that need to be redirected using the ' Redirects ' content type. where URL is the full url of the new page. Approve the new piece of content that you have added. Update the 'Page Layout' of the section to ' Redirects ' on the 'Marjon 2013' Channel Publish the section on the Marjon 2013 channel- when the publish has finished the last line of the output on the screen will contain the url to test. Copy this to clipboard and append it to http://t4 to make the full url to test (in this case http://t4/courses/redirects/courses/business-management/) You should be redirected to the new page url that you created in your content --------------------------------------...
This blog was set up primarily for technical support of users of TERMINALFOUR Site Manager enterprise content management system @ University of St Mark & St John.