- A new section (redirects) was created in the hierarchy as below under 'courses/courses':
- the current course section was duplicated from course/course into this new section.
- Content needs adding to each of the sections that need to be redirected using the 'Redirects' content type.
where URL is the full url of the new page.
- Approve the new piece of content that you have added.
- Update the 'Page Layout' of the section to 'Redirects' on the 'Marjon 2013' Channel
- Publish the section on the Marjon 2013 channel- when the publish has finished the last line of the output on the screen will contain the url to test.
- Copy this to clipboard and append it to http://t4 to make the full url to test (in this case http://t4/courses/redirects/courses/business-management/)
- You should be redirected to the new page url that you created in your content
The next steps will ONLY be completed once the redirects have been set up and the new pages exist
Once all redirects have been set up and new course pages created, all of the subject area sections in this new section will be moved up one level to the 'redirects' directory. The redirects directory will be updated as below:
In effect, this will then become the courses/courses directory and all of the old pages will be replaced with the redirects, thus retaining their integrity and any rankings via the 301 permanent redirect code.
The redirects will then be removed at a pre-agreed date in the future when no longer required.
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