- Existing content for all of the Right Hand boxes exists @ Home\Style Assets\Right Hand Column. If you want to change content on all the other pages change it here and as it is mirrored content it will update on the other sections.
2. Create a sub branch entitled ‘Right Hand Column’ @ the section that you want to add a profile to e.g. :
3. Mirror the 2 other pieces of content from ‘Home\Style Assets\Right Hand Column’ (IF REQUIRED) other than the laptop one into this new section:
4. Add a third piece of content using the 'Right Hand Colum' content template in the new section:
5. You can add the text from the old profiles and even crop the original images. Select the old profile and click 'Advanced'
6. Scroll down and click 'Add Variant'. Select 'Crop' and crop to the size that you want (my example is 223px by 279px). Once done, just select the new version of the image for the content.
7. Click 'Update' and the content will go into the normal workflow for approval.
My example is available @ http://t4/webdev/profiletest/
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