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Showing posts from 2015

Student/Graduate Profiles

Course Content 2015 - content type

COURSE SLIDER- appears at top of course pages

Add  'Course Slider' to any course section - height needs to be 578 px. Add multiple items to create a carousel of images/video at the top of any course page

New Courses Designs- 2015

Demo is the available at Marjon > Home > Courses (New Design) Branch. New 'Course Content 2015' content type Course Content 2015 is the main content type which has the text/new content layout, holds the main html for the Course Content page.  The Graduate and Student Profiles are taken from the Content type Student/Graduate Profile. T4 have created two sections. One for adding Graduate profiles and another section for Students Profiles. The the Course Content 2015 uses two Navigation objects - Keyword Seach for each of the different profiles sections. Uses the Course List as the keyword to match. Icon Bar - T4 didn’t implement all three variations for this due to time constraint. Either Image or Percentage should be used for the first two icons. I’ve left the 3rd icon an optional field so only two can may be displayed. Related Courses - This uses the “ Related Course” and “Current Course” elements to pull in related courses, they both...

Experts Directory - Experts Staff Tag

A new content type has been created so that you can display experts from a category on a web page (similar to news categories): Experts Staff Tag  To create the directory,  a new section will need to be created for each category:   2. Add content using  the Experts Staff Tag content type 3. Select the categories that you want to display for the new section 4. Update and approve the content This will need to be done for every category.

Creating a short url or redirect page in SiteManager

Create your short url section Change the Page Layout to 'ASP Redirect' on the 'Marjon 2013 Channel' Duplicate the Code Only content type entitled 'redirect code' from ' Home » Marjon » Home » shakespeare2015'  on SiteManager into your new short url section Modify the content and update the url to the page you want to redirect to - the url is enclosed by " " (this could be the normal url or a Google Campaign url if you want to gather statistics) Update and approve your new content Publish the new section and check that the redirect works correctly

Adding News Stories to the website - where they are used, styling and how fields are output

To add a news item to the website use the 'Press Release' content type: Title - Title of News Item Date released - Date of News Item Release Intro - Introduction Text for Homepage, Landing Page News and News Listing Page Main Body - Main Text of News Story for Full Text Version Abstract Image - ***NO LONGER USED**** Inner Image - Image used for Full Text of News Story Image Alt text - ***NO LONGER USED**** Homepage Image - Homepage, Landing Page News and News Listing Page Image Size=  280x185px Category - Category (which category landing pages News Item appears on) - current options are: Keywords - Keywords Styles and how the fields are used 1. University Homepage (and Landing Page News Item using Category field) Where Used? (if selected as category) Any category selected eg 2. ...

How do courses appear as courses within a Subject Area page (list)?

Add a 'Bring back courses' content type if not already on page. For courses to appear on a subject are page as listed above they must: Be a child of the Subject Area Section Have a valid 'Course Level' field completed on the CourseVer2 content type for the course

How do courses appear as 'Similar courses' on a course page?

The 'Similar Course' of the Course Ver2 content type field needs to be the same for any courses to appear as similar courses on a course page: For example, course A and course B tagged both tagged with a code '100XXX' would appear as similar courses on each course page. The image used is the 'ProfilePhoto' field and need to be 280x185 as shown on:

How do courses appear as 'Featured courses' at the bottom of the Course A-Z search page (currently ?

For courses to appear as a featured course on the A-Z search page they must have the 'Features Course' field ticked on the CourseVer2 content type for the course. The image used is the 'ProfilePhoto' field and need to be 280x185 as shown on:

How do courses appear on the course A-Z search page (currently

They need to appear as approved content under the  Home » Marjon » Home » Courses » Courses section in SiteManager They need to be tagged as either Full Time or Part Time in the CourseVer2 content type of the course

Courses In Clearing - A to Z Search Page

For courses to appear in the 'Clearing Course A-Z Search Page' the 'In Clearing' field must be selected in the Course Ver2 content type of that course.

New 'Staff Tag' Content Type

A new content type has been created in SiteManager that uses the existing content on the Staff List and returns any staff member by department. For Example: All you have to do is add a piece of content using the ‘Staff Tag’ content type and then select the Department that you want to output (it can be multiple): I know that there has been a lot of issues that the staff list is long and contains all staff. With this you could create child pages based around departments anywhere on the site and re-use the existing content. For example, on the Management Page, anyone tagged with Vice Chancellors Office -     Let me know if you need any further information ...

Creating 301 Permanent Redirects for Courses prior to moving to new section and new pages

A new section ( redirects ) was created in the hierarchy as below under 'courses/courses': the current course section was duplicated from course/course into this new section. Content needs adding to each of the sections that need to be redirected using the ' Redirects ' content type.        where URL is the full url of the new page. Approve the new piece of content that you have added. Update the 'Page Layout' of the section to ' Redirects ' on the 'Marjon 2013' Channel Publish the section on the Marjon 2013 channel- when the publish has finished the last line of the output on the screen will contain the url to test.  Copy this to clipboard and append it to http://t4 to make the full url to test (in this case http://t4/courses/redirects/courses/business-management/) You should be redirected to the new page url that you created in your content --------------------------------------...
The University will soon be upgrading from version 7 to version 8 of TerminalFour SiteManager.  Below is a first look at the enhanced user interface.  There are a number of added features and enhancements including Google Analytics measurement -y ou can use analytics to collect data about traffic to your pages, conversation rate, types of visitors, bounce rate and many other things. This allows you to measure and analyse the impact of your web data so you can improve the effectiveness of your pages. I will provide updates on when we will be upgrading SiteManager and provide a schedule of training which will specifically look at the changes between V7 and V8 on the staff news pages.  If you would like to know more information on SiteManager 8 and the upgrade then feel free to email me. Many Thanks Ian St John Web Services Manager

Creating Campaigns for tracking via Google Analytics

FOR the OFFLINE campaign : an ASP redirect which redirects from  to the event page with google tracking attached in it  i.e. use the 'Generate URL' builder on the event page not the  page. You need to create the campaign url of the page you want to redirect to which should be the event page + the campaign tags . You create this using the 'Google URL Builder' - Google Analytics will then track any traffic that you have using the campaign tags specific to the tags you add. So if anyone goes to they will be redirected to the event page + the campaign tags page and this will show up in the statistics under the campaign you have created. FOR the ONLINE campaign via Email: you just embed the URL you are sending in your email with the tags and it sho...

Website Contacts - who to contact

If you require general technical help on any aspects of Site Manager then please raise a job on the Helpdesk - http://help/portal . Please state your specific requirements under one of the following issues: Logon Problem, New User Request (requires Line Manager approval), General Problem (please describe the problem) or New Template Request. Please DO NOT contact the Web Services Manager direct as all jobs need to be logged in the correct manner. Content/Structure If you need help with content or structure of the website then please contact : Marketing and Communications Email: Extn: 6517 Images All images that need to be uploaded to the media library should be emailed to : . Please ensure that all images are appropriately titled and a description of the image is supplied to use in the alt tag. Training If you have a training need then please contact: Mersedes Farjad IT Training Co-ordinator Extn: 2059 Email: mfarjad@marjon....

Approval Screen - known issue

There is currently a known issue with the Approval screen in SiteManager. If you get the following error message: "A Status Management Error Occurred A workflow error occurred while trying to process a status management request. The error is listed below. Click here to go back and try to rectify the error, else contact an administrator if you feel there has been an error. Failed to find the Active step" Wait a minute and refresh the Approval screen. You should then see your normal approval screen.